The Broke Traveller

Niesjen Ipema | Engels | Paperback | 9789465093857 | 9 augustus 2024


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Maybe this was the goal all along.
With just €1706,12 in my bank account, I quit my job and left with barely any plan. It was difficult and I definitely made some mistakes but I learned a lot from them.
How did I get to all of this: no house, no normal income, and living from a backpack, not knowing where I’ll end up over the next few days? Even though it is a bit more common these days for a 25-year-old to be travelling, most of them still have a place they can call home or a stable income that secures them for their next month. Not me: I have no clue how much money I will have in one month and when I will need to find a job, and honestly, I don’t mind it either. It feels liberating even.

Over de auteur

Niesjen is a young woman who grew up in the north of the Netherlands. After a few solo trips with a backpack, she decides to become a full-time traveller, starting with Europe. Fighting her mental health with the idea of travelling and freedom, her van breaks down and she is forced to travel with a backpack again. Finally on the road, things go up and down, and she finds her escape in writing down her adventures and emotions. Slowly feeling better, her love for writing grows, and she decides it’s time to share her adventures with the world.


ISBN: 9789465093857
Auteur(s): Niesjen Ipema
Verschijningsdatum: 9 augustus 2024
Aantal pagina's: 214
Uitvoering: Paperback
Taal: Engels
Met illustraties?: Ja, met illustraties
Uitgeverij: Boekscout